Trivia (Jesus Disciples)

Biblical trivia on different topics and people

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  1. Before he was a disciple - Matthew was a (Matthew 9:9)
    1. Pharisee
    2. Beggar
    3. Fisherman
    4. Tax collector
  2. How did Judas - the betrayer - die (Matthew 27:3-5)
    1. He was killed by Peter
    2. He hanged himself
    3. He was crucified
    4. He was exiled and died alone
  3. Peter - the disciple of Jesus - had a brother named: (Matthew 4:18)
    1. John
    2. Thomas
    3. Nathaniel
    4. Andrew
  4. Which disciple did Jesus see sitting under a fig tree (John 1:48-50)
    1. Peter
    2. Nathaniel
    3. Simon the Zealot
    4. Philip
  5. Which disciple did not want Jesus to wash his feet (John 13:8)
    1. John
    2. Bartholomew
    3. Andrew
    4. Peter
  6. Which of these disciples of Jesus used to be a disciple of John the Baptist (John 1:40)
    1. Nathaniel
    2. Judas
    3. Nicodemus
    4. Andrew
  7. Who healed the lame man laying at the gate of the temple Beautiful (Acts 3:6-7)
    1. Paul
    2. Peter
    3. Stephen
    4. Matthew
  8. Who raised Dorcas (Tabitha) from the dead (Acts 9:40)
    1. Paul
    2. Peter
    3. Stephen
    4. Matthew
  9. Who said - "Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?" (John 1:46)
    1. Nathaniel
    2. Stephen
    3. Philip
    4. Zaccheus
  10. Who was choosen by the other eleven to replace Judas (Acts 1:26)
    1. Bartholemew
    2. Paul
    3. Matthias
    4. Barnabas